I dont know how a KA head works so as datzenmile said its oppesite. My vid I posted is only for the basics and linning up the oil pump. Thats why ones hould sping the motor around by hand to make sure this dont happen once assembled. Elimination of start up rattle increases precision of cam to crank timing & increases power & MPG. Options to adjust excess timing chain slack from the 22R, KA24E & KA24DE engines. So I cant belive its off as the motor would sping only one rev and it should lock up. Welcome Options to eliminate start up rattle from Nissan KA24E and KA24DE and Toyota 22R engines. But a cam off 180 is a big deal and would smash a valve ir somthing. Only thing here is we are a little confused as being off 180deg. I dont know KAs but there should be a cam position mark up top soemwhere.

Youll have to spin it around about 5-8 times before it lines back up.īu I just turn the motor counter clock wise a little then turn the crank slowly back to TDC then look at the cam position and the marks that you need to look at. The brite lonk on th chain are for intaial linning it up. Then make the adjustmenttimming plate in the center of its movment and it should start up. but you can always manipulated it to point where you want it. if that what it is supposed to be at TDC. datsun meet in mo valley! Help me make it!! =) Since im trying really really hard to take it to. does that matter now that im m/t? Any help would be appreciated. Plus, our selection of 1997 Electronics & Navigation parts for your Pickup are some of the lowest in the market. We’ve got amazing prices on 1997 Pickup Cooling & Heating and Air, Fuel, Emission & Exhaust parts.
The biggest problem is after 30 seconds of running the header is GLOWING RED!!! I assume that's not good at all! The only led code the ecu is throwing is air intake temp sensor but my harness doesn't have the wires. Advance Auto carries over 1,270 aftermarket parts for your 1997 Nissan Pickup, along with original equipment manufacturer (OEM) parts. And I can't let it drop past 1k rpm or it'll die.

As engines run, they sometimes go out of time, causing a rough idle, loss of power and poor gas. The KA24E came in 2.0- and 2.4-liter versions and was used in many Nissan autos, including: the 240SX, Pathfinder, Stanza and Nissan trucks. In and it was facing cylinder #1 so I figured it was close enough. The KA24E was a workhorse engine in Nissan automobiles from 1988 until 2004. But not exactly at 12 o clock it was a lil off. Then pulled the chain off the cam gear and clocked the cam at 12 o clock ( in relation to the top of the head) then I pulled the oil pump and lined up the indent with the oil hole and the backwards d was facing towards the front of the motor. 510 is almost back on the streets! =) bt im having an issue.